Prayer Guide

The issues we are facing as a society seem to be unprecedented in our nation’s history. We are facing a worldwide health crisis that has radically altered our way of life and our ability to live in community; our society is in the midst of a wholesale collapse of Christian moral values that continues to gain momentum; ongoing injustice and prejudice continue to foment deep racial divisions; an assault has been launched on freedom of speech and thought that threatens to radically the character of our society; and constructive dialogue seems to have all but disappeared from the public square. These are just a few of the indications that our nation is in crisis, and in desperate need of divine help; and the purpose of tonight’s Prayer Service is to seek God’s help on behalf of our nation.

In our time together, we will focus our prayers in three specific areas of need: Our Government; The witness of the church; and for Healing of Divisiveness in our Nation. Each area for prayer will be introduced by a prayer from one of the pastors and followed by a time of congregational prayer. You may wish to participate in the congregational prayer time by offering a prayer in the hearing of the congregation, or by praying silently alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ. Our purpose is to seek the Lord together.

Prayer is a conversation between ourselves and God. We share with God the burdens of our hearts and we give him our attention, to hear his word. Scripture is an invaluable help in this process of speaking and listening to God. He speaks to us personally through his word as we meditate upon it, and his word can help us to find words for our own prayers. The following passages of scripture are made available for you to meditate upon as you pray, if you so desire. There may be other passages that also come to your mind. You may share them with the congregation, or meditate on them silently as you feel led.

Prayer for Our Government (Led by Pastor Brian)

  • For our Federal, State, and Local government leaders
  • For the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of the Government
  • That our elected and appointed officials would recognize the need for biblical wisdom and guidance in their decision-making on behalf of  the nation

Passages for Reflection: 1 Ki. 3:4-9; 2 Ch. 20:5-18; Ps. 2:10-12; Ps. 72; Ac. 4:13-20; Rom. 13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-16.

Prayer for the Spiritual Health and Witness of the Church (Led by Pastor Jake) 

  • That we would be consecrated in our hearts to God alone.
  • That we would remain true to our calling to live as God’s holy people.
  • That we would be bold in our witness to the grace of God in Christ.

Passages for Reflection: Ps. 37; 57; 69; Prov. 8:1-21; Jn. 15:1-17; 17:6-19; Ac. 4:23-30; Eph. 1:15-19; 3:14-19; Phil. 1:27-28a; Col. 1:9-14.

Prayer for Healing of the Divisiveness in Our Nation (Led by Pastor Jon)

  • That we would be consecrated in our hearts to God alone.
  • That we would remain true to our calling to live as God’s holy people.
  • That we would be bold in our witness to the grace of God in Christ.

Passages for Reflection: Ps. 82:2-4; 133; Is. 56:1; Micah 6:8; Zech. 7:8-10; Gal. 3:28; Eph. 4:25-27, 29-5:1; Phil. 2:1-4; Jas. 4:1-3; 1 Jn. 2:7-11; Rev. 7:9-10; 22:2