Before I answer this question let me share a real experience our family witnessed. In 1977, my father-in-law, Wilfred Downey was 86 years old and in the hospital with heart failure. As we were visiting him that evening, and we were about to leave, the doctor and nurse told us to say our good-byes to Dad, as they did not feel he would live through the night. Judy’s brother, Tim, was very adamant about the situation and told the doctors they did not know what they were talking about. So we had a time of prayer with him before we left that evening.
As we returned the next morning, Dad was sitting up in bed eating breakfast. He recovered and lived eight more years. Was that a miracle? I’ll let you answer that. By definition a miracle is a happening that seems to be against the known laws of nature or science, thought of as caused by God.
There are those in Christendom who would acknowledge that there were gifts given to the church by God for the needs and operation of the church, but they feel many of those gifts have ceased, healing and miracles being two examples (1 Cor. 12:1-11).
As a pastor here at TCC, I feel from time to time, as different members relate certain things God has done in their lives, that many of them are healings and miracles. On the other hand, these doubters are willing to accept some of these gifts, but not all. This same chapter continues to establish that all gifts are of the same SPIRIT, and are still available for the church today.
Finally, James 5:14-15a says, “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the Church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well.” I believe in miracles!
Pastor Jake Stirnemann