Re-Opening Guidelines and Procedures

The past year has been difficult for us all as we have had to make adjustments to our service format in response to the pandemic. Though Michigan is currently experiencing another surge, there is general confidence that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, which makes it possible to ease some of our restrictions. Toward that end, we are making the following changes to our Sunday morning schedule and guidelines.

Sunday Schedule (starting April 25th):

8:00 – 8:50 am – Abbreviated Covid-strict service in the Sanctuary

9:00 -10:00am – Sunday School – Pastor Jon’s class will be in the Multi-purpose room upstairs – Pastor Brian’s class will be via zoom

10:00 – 10:30am – Fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall (Masks Optional)

10:30 – 11:45am – Combined service in the Sanctuary – The NE corner of the Sanctuary will be designated as “Masks Required” – The remainder of the Sanctuary will be designated as “Masks Optional”

  • Masks will not be required in the Narthex
  • Those who need to be cautious will be dismissed from service first
  • Please use the Narthex as a passageway and plan to visit after service either in the Fellowship Hall or outside

Seating Schedule:

April 25 (New Schedule Starts)

  • Main Sanctuary Facemasks Optional
  • North East Sanctuary Facemasks Required

June 2

  • Main Sanctuary Facemasks Optional
  • North East Sanctuary Facemasks Required

June 9

  • Main Sanctuary Facemasks Optional
  • North East Sanctuary Facemasks Required


  • Our services will continue to be livestream
  • Those who are able we encourage to attend in-person services