Troy Christian Chapel is an evangelical, non-denominational congregation in the north suburban Detroit area that welcomes people from the full spectrum of Christian traditions to participate in our worship and fellowship.

At the center of who we are is Jesus Christ. Through his life, death, and resurrection he has provided forgiveness for our sin, reconciled us to God, given us new life through the Holy Spirit, adopted us as his beloved children and made us one as God’s holy people. Our desire is to know him, to worship him, to become like him and to make him known.

We are a fellowship of believers from a wide variety of backgrounds within the broader Christian church, including Protestant, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. We believe, as St. Paul said to the Ephesians, that Christ has torn down the dividing walls between people and has made us one (Eph. 2:14-15), regardless of race, age, economic status or Christian denomination. If we belong to Christ, we belong together.

As an evangelical congregation, we are committed to the authority of the Bible; the foundational truths of the historic Christian faith as summarized in the Apostles Creed; the gospel of salvation by grace through faith for all who believe; Christ’s call to a life of discipleship; and our commission to bear witness to Christ in the world.

Our desire is that believers quickly find themselves at home among us, and sense the authentic joy and love that only the Holy Spirit can produce; that those who want to know more of Christ would find that they see him reflected in both our teaching and our lives; and that those who do not believe in Christ are welcomed in Jesus’ name and encounter him in our lives and witness.