Christmas Greetings 2020 from Pastor Jon

In Psalm 8, David asks, “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” His question reflects his wonder at the fact that the majestic creator of the vast array of the heavens would even notice the hapless humans who occupy this tiny corner of the universe, let alone care for them. David wondered at this from his limited point of view. We now have cameras floating in space that have enabled us to see how much more vast the universe is than David could possibly have imagined—and just how puny we are in comparison.

The message of Christmas is that the creator of all that—cares for me, and you! He cares for us so much that he took on a human body, of flesh and blood; so that he could offer that flesh and blood up as a sacrifice for our sin; so that he could call us his own—his treasured possession! That is something to marvel at—and yet, I suspect, we have still only glimpsed a fraction of the full extent of God’s love and care for us. Just as the more we know about the universe the bigger it gets, as eternity proceeds, and we discover more of God’s love, the more we will be aware of how much greater it is than we know!

May the Holy Spirit fill us all with a renewed sense of wonder this Christmas. Who are we, O Lord, who are we, that you should be mindful of us!

Grace and peace to you from the Enrights.

Pastor Jon and Sharon Enright

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