Christmas Greetings 2020 from Pastor Brian

Merry Christmas Beloved!

What a year 2020 has been. I pray that all of us have seen God use this time to prepare us to truly be Christ’s ambassadors in this ever-changing world. In Christ we have a hope and a peace that is unshakable! Let us remember that Jesus came into a time of political unrest—where God’s people were being misused and abused by a pagan foreign conqueror. And though He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus rejected earthly power. He came to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. In the midst of hardship many of us would find hard to understand, Jesus walked in victory and peace and joy because He walked with His father. I pray that you have experienced this abundant life for yourself this year even in the midst of crisis. And I pray for all of us that 2021 might find us walking in this abundant life as never before.

Christmas always serves to remind me of how blessed I am to be a part of this wonderful TCC family. Beloved, you have always been such a blessing to my family and me. We love you and pray daily for you! May our Father fill you with joy and peace and comfort and encouragement this season and every season. That you may live the abundant life Christ died and rose again to bring you.


Love in Christ,

Pastor Brian and Dawn Torres

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