When Luke described the ministry of John the Baptist, he characterized his ministry with a quote from the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him’” (Lk. 3:4). Much like those in the ancient world who were sent out before a king or dignitary began a journey, to repair the roads and make smooth pathways so the king could travel in comfort and without hindrance, John’s ministry of calling people to repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins was to prepare the way of the arrival of the king of kings.
Our hearts can become much like those ancient roads. The rocks of hard-heartedness, the potholes of sin, and the obstructions of worldly cares need constant attention so that the way is clear in our hearts for Christ to come and do his work in us.
It’s ironic that our Christmas preparations and traditions often create obstacles to his true coming, rather than clearing them away. By the time Christmas Day finally arrives, many of us are so exhausted we’re just happy that it’s over!
Still the voice cries “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.” The king is coming! He is not passing through our village; he is coming to our hearts.
May we all maintain a clear path in our hearts for him this Advent Season.
Pastor Jon and Sharon Enright