Adult Christian Education
The Adult Christian Education program offers classes on Sundays and Wednesdays. The classes run for thirteen-week-long quarters, beginning in September, December, March and June. Typically, there is a choice of two or three classes on Sunday morning and one on Wednesday evening.
The current offerings are:
Troy Christian Chapel’s Core for Biblical Literacy
Dr. Gary Burge of Wheaton College has pointed out that biblical illiteracy is not only a trend in the culture at large, it is also a trend among evangelical Christians—the very ones who pride themselves on their biblical fidelity. One-third of freshman from all denominations could not sequence Moses, Isaac, Saul and the Exile. A third could not identify Matthew as one of the apostles, could not tell what part of the Bible contained Paul’s missionary journeys, nor where to read about the Passover story.
Believing that biblical literacy matters, we offer an Adult Educational program at Troy Christian Chapel called Core for Biblical Literacy. Our aim, at least for our own congregation, is to stem the tide of this unhappy trend toward biblical illiteracy. Periodically we will offer at least one class of the Core, usually as one of the class offerings in the Sunday morning 10:00 a.m. teaching hour. Other classes will be offered each quarter as well, of course, so there will always be alternatives from which to choose.
Anyone who completes all eight Core classes will receive a Core Certificate. We encourage our members to enter enthusiastically into this study of the most important written document in history: the Bible, God’s Holy Word!
These are the eight classes that make up the Core:
Old Testament Survey I
A study of the books of Genesis through Ruth, plus Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon.
Old Testament Survey II
Covers the remainder of the Old Testament, including the books about the kingdom of Israel, the prophets and the return from exile.
New Testament Survey I
Examines the four gospels and the Book of Acts.
New Testament Survey II
Finishes the New Testament with the letters and the Book of Revelation.
Things That Matter Most
Delves into basic Christian doctrines, such as the Trinity, salvation, baptism, eucharist, prayer, worship, the church, discipleship, spiritual gifts, stewardship, the atonement, the resurrection, the return of the Lord and the kingdom of God.
The Ten Commandments and the Apostles’ Creed
Studies the most important laws of the Old Testament and the most widely-used confession of faith in Christian history.
The Christian Church, Local and Universal
An examination of the nature of Christianity, the differences between Christian denominations, the role of Troy Christian Chapel and the major movements in church history.
Evangelism and Piety
Covers both the outreach of the church through missions and personal witness, as well as the inner life of holiness and an ongoing personal relationship with Christ.
Youth Sunday School
On Sunday morning, classes are held for: