Building Up the Body

When we host a meal at our home, it is usually a joint effort between Sharon and me. Since I am the resident “aficionado of meat” I will usually cover that part of the meal while Sharon prepares all of the accoutrements (if you need to know what that word means, ask someone on the Design Team). Since in our culture the meat is usually considered the centerpiece, people will often thank me for preparing such a delicious meal; but it is actually Sharon who has done most of the work, peeling potatoes, cutting vegetables, preparing a salad, setting the table, and countless other things.

As the “face” of Troy Christian Chapel, I find myself the beneficiary of a similarly disproportionate amount of credit for the good things that are happening here. In truth, TCC thrives because of the dedication and sacrifice of many people who mostly work behind the scenes and unnoticed as we serve each other and grow together as the body of Christ.

As I look back over the past year, I am greatly encouraged by what God is doing in our congregation, and I want to thank all of you who invest your time, talents and treasure to contribute to our joint ministry. I especially want to thank Pastor Jake and Pastor Brian for their partnership in pastoral ministry. Their sacrificial service to the body and their counsel to me are invaluable. Sue Wilson does a masterful job managing the many administrative responsibilities she is charged with. Thanks to Sybille Virga, our Music Director, and all those who participate in the worship ministry, leading and serving on our worship teams, serving as ushers, running the sound, running the projector, creating the slides for the projection and providing the livestream so our homebound folks can participate in our worship services. Thanks to Harriet Pearson, the chair of our Trustee Board, and those who serve on that board with her to provide biblically sound spiritual leadership. Thanks to John Homeister, the Deacon Board Chair, and the members of the Deacon Board who faithfully serve the congregation as financial stewards. Thanks to Donna Marcella, the Missions Board Chair, and those who serve on the Missions Board, facilitating our ministry both at home and abroad through their care for the missionaries we support.

We are also indebted to our Children’s Ministry leadership team and all those who serve as teachers and care-givers for our children; to those who organize and lead our men’s and women’s Bible studies; to our Outreach Committee, who provide opportunities for us to join together to make the gospel known in our community; to our Barnabas Ministry and Prayer Chain Ministry participants, who lift us up regularly before the Lord in prayer; to those who provide food, set up tables and chairs and man the kitchen when we serve meals, to express God’s compassionate love to grieving families; to our Safety Team which vigilantly watches over us as we gather for worship; to our Maintenance Team, who volunteer their time to care for our building; to those who clean our building; to our Design Team, that has been working hard all year developing ideas to update our building; and to the many others who serve behind the scenes, taking meals to those in need, providing rides, sending cards of encouragement, and even planting, weeding and watering flowers.

In his teaching about the church, the Apostle Paul is careful not to imply that the church is an organization. Rather, he insists, it is an organism – the Body of Christ. He tells us that God’s goal for us is that we grow up in every way into Christ, who is our head. From him, “the entire body is joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped as each part does its work, so that the whole body grows and builds itself up in love” (Ephesians 4:15-16). It is a tremendous blessing and encouragement to see that process taking place in our midst here at TCC, and I praise God for the good things he is doing – in us, among us, and through us.

As we begin this New Year, may we press on—together—“toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus”! (Philippians 3:14)

Pastor Jon Enright

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